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SAFW Autumn Winter ‘23 live collections – Day 1

The South African Fashion Week (SAFW) Autumn Winter 2023 (AW23) marks the fashion platform’s 41st season since its inception in 1997. What resonated was the triumphant spirit of finding joy again in a post-Covid world, even though the threat of the pandemic still lingers. Words: Kgomotso Moncho-Maripane (read more)

Moda: sfilata italiana conclude Fashion Bridges in Sudafrica

(ANSA) – CITTÀ DEL CAPO, 29 OTT – Nella residenza dell’ambasciata italiana a Città del Capo si è svolta la serata finale dell’edizione 2022 di “Fashion Bridges – I Ponti della Moda”, incentrata su una sfilata della giovane designer italiana Marianna Rosati e del suo brand DROMe. (read more)